Код: 11778006111 Як купувати
827 грн
Ціна вказана з доставкою в Україну
Всі товари продавця SmA-MusclePower

Термін доставки: 5-10 днів
Стан товару: новий
Доступна кількість: 100000


⚡ EPA and DHA fatty acids with the addition of Vitamin E

⚡ Large portion of fish oil with Omega 3 in a soft capsule

Omega 3 supports brain function

Help in the functioning of the nervous system

It contributes to the proper functioning of the heart

⚡ Promotes vision and eye health

Fish oil - Omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3 from Hiro.Lab is a concentrated dose of healthy EPA and DHA fatty acids enhanced by Vitamin E. DHA and EPA are necessary for the proper functioning of organs in the body. In the product you will find easy-to-swallow, soft-gel softgels . Thanks to them, you will avoid the characteristic taste of fish oil.

Positive effects of Omega-3

Omega 3 deficiency has very negative effects on the body, so it is worth supplementing healthy fatty acids regularly. They have a positive effect on the circulatory system, and in particular on the work of the heart . The ingredients of the supplement from Hiro.Lab contribute to the improvement of the brain, memory and concentration . Omega-3 acids support the body's immunity, especially should be taken by people prone to infections and inflammations.

EPA acid - Protecting the heart

EPA, or eicosapentaenoic acid, mainly contributes to the support of the heart and the entire bloodstream . EPA acid also has an antioxidant effect, thanks to which it has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, nails and hair, and its additional advantage is that it lowers the level of bad cholesterol.

DHA acid - Normal heart work

Docosahexaenoic acid, i.e. DHA, is a component that the body cannot produce itself. For this reason, it is imperative to top it up with a supplement. DHA supports the work of the brain, proper vision and the body's immunity. DHA helps to maintain adequate levels of serotonin and dopamine, which support well-being.

Vitamin E supplement

Omega 3 from Hiro.Lab contains a special addition of vitamin E, the main task of which is to improve the absorption of fish oil. Vitamin E is also an antioxidant that helps to protect cells from oxidative stress and cell damage caused by the negative effects of free radicals.

Hiro.Lab teams up with Cancer Fighters to fight cancer!


Serving Size: 1 softges

Servings in the package: 120

Packaging: 120softgels

Hiro.Lab Omega 3 ingredients: Fish Oil Concentrate (incl. fish) including EPA 33%; DHA 22%; Total Omega-3 65%, capsule - gelatin, capsule - humectant - glycerol, vitamin E (D-alpha-tocopherol), capsule - purified water.

The product may contain milk, soy, cereals containing gluten, eggs, peanuts, nuts .

This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease

    Active ingredients 1 softgel ** RWS

    • 1000mg Fish Oil Concentrate
    • including
    • EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) 330mg
    • DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) 220mg
    • Total Omega 3 fatty acids 650mg
    • Vitamin E 12mg 100%

    ** The nutritional values in the table may slightly differ depending on the batch. The website is constantly updated, but it happens that we have several batches of the product in stock.

    * Reference intake value for an average adult (8400 kJ / 2000 kcal)

    Usage method

    How to use Hiro.Lab Omega 3: Consume 1 gel capsule 30 minutes before a meal.

    Dietary supplements cannot be used as a substitute for a varied diet. Remember that only a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet ensure the proper functioning of the body and maintain good condition. Pregnant women, nursing mothers and people taking medication or ill people should consult a doctor before taking.

    Do not exceed recommended servings for consumption during the day. The product cannot be used by people who are allergic to any of its ingredients. Keep out of the reach of small children. Store in a dry place at room temperature in tightly closed containers.

    Best before end: date and batch number are on the side / bottom of the packaging.

    Net weight: 120softgels



    • Vitalii  16.02.2022
      Все супер! Сервіс бомба!!!!
    • Світлана  26.04.2021
      Дякую за швидку доставку та яскісний "Набір воріт для футболу". Думаю, що іменинник буде у захваті!
    • Марина  05.03.2021
      Получили мятные роликовые коньки. Дочка просто в восторге. Качество очень хорошее. Всем остались довольны. Обслуживание на высшем уровне. Не смотря на то что необходимо подождать, товар того стоит. Сп...
    • Оксана  08.07.2020
      Доброго дня! Вже отримала валізу! Все подобається! Дуже Вам дякую! :) Приємно було з Вами співпрацювати!
    • Юрий  17.06.2020
      Заказывал кроссовки хорошее качество товара и цены самые низкие среди магазинов
    • Алина  15.06.2020
      Очень быстро и оперативно, а самое главное товар высокого качества. Спасибо!
    • Galyna  05.06.2020
      Зовсім нещодавно почала користуватись цим сервісом, поки все влаштовує, особливо подобається швидкість доставки
    • Ольга  02.06.2020
      Замовляла іграшки для дітей, прийшли дуже хорошої якості, діти в захваті. Дуже дякую)
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