Supplement DuoLife Хлорофилл 750 мл mint

Supplement DuoLife Хлорофилл 750 мл mint

Код: 11817490153 Як купувати
1640 грн
Ціна вказана з доставкою в Україну
Всі товари продавця MartekFit

Термін доставки: 5-10 днів
Стан товару: новий
Доступна кількість: 25

DuoLife CHLOROFIL - a natural dietary supplement, intended for people who care about good condition and youthful appearance. "Liquid energy" to support the functioning of the immune system and digestive tract, heart and blood vessels. A composition of natural plant extracts, chlorophyllin and peppermint oil, containing a lot of valuable antioxidants, amino acids, vitamins and minerals to support the physical and mental form of the body.


During the period of intense work - physical and mental effort, the body functions at an increased speed and its demand for nutrients increases. As a result of exposure to chronic stress, the immune system may be weakened, which affects blood parameters, including the condition and number of white and red blood cells. An exhausted body is more susceptible to bacterial, viral and fungal infections, wounds heal more difficult and the skin becomes less firm. Clearance processes, including hepatic metabolism and renal excretion, are impaired. In such a situation, it is advisable to increase the supply of nutrients and health-promoting ingredients in the diet, also by using preparations that strengthen and support the condition of the body.

DuoLife CHLOROFIL is intended for use as an adjunct in the case of:

  • people who want to keep fit, energy and vitality;
  • weakened people, in states of physical and mental exhaustion;
  • people exposed to chronic stress;
  • people who want to maintain a normal blood count, vegans and vegetarians;
  • people suffering from digestive system ailments;
  • people suffering from recurring infections, hard-to-heal wounds;
  • convalescents;
  • elderly / seniors.

DuoLife CHLOROFIL supports:

  • antioxidant processes;
  • immune system functions;
  • the work of the hematopoietic system;
  • body cleansing functions;
  • the work of the cardiovascular system;
  • tissue repair processes;
  • skin welfare;
  • functions of the physiological intestinal microflora;
  • the work of the digestive tract.

Ingredients: purified water, vegetable glycerin, alfalfa herb extract, chlorophyllin, barley extract, peppermint oil, chlorella extract. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. The product cannot be used as a substitute (replacement) for a varied diet. A balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are important for the proper functioning of the body.

What is chlorophyllin and how does it work?

Chlorophyllin is a derivative of chlorophyll, the green pigment of plants that enables them to carry out the photosynthetic process. Its structure is similar not only to chlorophyll, but also to the heme molecule - a component of hemoglobin found in red blood cells and transporting oxygen. Chlorophyllin has health-promoting properties similar to chlorophyll, and moreover, it is characterized by better stability and solubility in water1. Chlorophyllin is a valuable antioxidant, protects cells against oxidative stress and premature aging, supports the work of the cardiovascular system1,2 and cleansing the body. Ma zdolność wiązania (kompleksowania) karcynogenów (czynników rakotwórczych)3 , pomaga także chronić organizm przed infekcjami4,5 i przyczynia się do eliminacji nieświeżego zapachu z ust6 .


  • Vitalii  16.02.2022
    Все супер! Сервіс бомба!!!!
  • Світлана  26.04.2021
    Дякую за швидку доставку та яскісний "Набір воріт для футболу". Думаю, що іменинник буде у захваті!
  • Марина  05.03.2021
    Получили мятные роликовые коньки. Дочка просто в восторге. Качество очень хорошее. Всем остались довольны. Обслуживание на высшем уровне. Не смотря на то что необходимо подождать, товар того стоит. Сп...
  • Оксана  08.07.2020
    Доброго дня! Вже отримала валізу! Все подобається! Дуже Вам дякую! :) Приємно було з Вами співпрацювати!
  • Юрий  17.06.2020
    Заказывал кроссовки хорошее качество товара и цены самые низкие среди магазинов
  • Алина  15.06.2020
    Очень быстро и оперативно, а самое главное товар высокого качества. Спасибо!
  • Galyna  05.06.2020
    Зовсім нещодавно почала користуватись цим сервісом, поки все влаштовує, особливо подобається швидкість доставки
  • Ольга  02.06.2020
    Замовляла іграшки для дітей, прийшли дуже хорошої якості, діти в захваті. Дуже дякую)
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